With the Help Of Good Samaritans, J Molley Was Found Alive and Attended To
South African musician J Molley was found alive and attended to.
On the 30th of May 2024, Jesse Molley, known by his stage name J Molley, had the country and his fanbase in a state of panic and worry after threatening to take his own life on X as well as on his Instagram account.
The rapper, who recently broke his music hiatus and released his latest single “Life or Death” just a week ago, has struggled with a history of drug addiction. However, he shared on his X accounted that not only was he a changed man, but that he was celebrating seven months a sober man.
On Thursday, the star live-recorded himself, at an undisclosed location, with several 2-litre Coca-Cola bottles, Stillpane cough mixture and two bottles of Mylan–Alprazolam pills, medication normally prescribed to individuals to calm panic and anxiety. In the live stream, punctuated by the metronomic beeping of something that sounds like a heart monitor, the songwriter downs the entire bottle of the pills while washing it down with a swig of coke. He also wields a knife which he teases killing himself with.
Trigger Warning: Video Below May Contain Contents Unsuitable for Sensitive Viewers.
The cause for J Molley wanting to commit suicide isn’t clear; however, some of his posts on X have been pointing to him having to deal with cyberbullying, with one his posts ominously captioned: “13 reasons why.” On the screenshot includes a couple of users mocking him.
Although J Molley’s whereabouts were previously unknown – due in part to the rapper planning his suicide and broadcasting the events on his X account – good Samaritans on social media were able to locate the star and get help for him before he overdosed himself.
According to a user named @PeterTheTracker, Molley was found at the Capital Empire Hotel in Sandton after one of the people commented under his Instagram live volunteered the suggestion. The user gave props to the one that came forward with the hotel name, citing that the piece of information just might have saved Molley, who was being attended by paramedics at the time.
“They found J Molley at the Capital Empire in Sandton. The receptionist, Henry, called me back to inform me. Thank God!!!!” he wrote, giving updates.