EXCLUSIVE COVER: Gail Mabalane sparkles as the leading lady on Netflix’s crime thriller Unseen

EXCLUSIVE COVER: Gail Mabalane sparkles as the leading lady on Netflix’s crime thriller Unseen

Bagging a lead role on Netflix is no small feat. And that is why actress Gail Mabalane feels equally blessed to have secured her first lead role on Netflix’s crime thriller Unseen, where she portrays the mysterious Zenzi Mwale.

The series follows a seemingly timid cleaning lady who is in a desperate search for her husband – portrayed by Vuyo Dabula, who went missing upon being released from prison. Or was he ever released? 

This complex character, layered with resilience, strength and immense love, pushed Gail out of her comfort zone where she aspired to give an honest portrayal of Zenzi, carrying all the sincere feelings that come with a character such as this.  

And while the Kimberly born actress is known for varying roles on productions such as The Wild, Rockville, The Road and Netflix’s Blood and Water, none of these come close to the bold character that Zenzi holds. A territory that comes with leading an intense thriller as this. 

From the first minute of the first episode, a cloud of passion, coupled with edginess engulfs the series, pulling you in to watch as the storyline unfolds. Her somber face is almost enough to draw you in. 

“Zenzi is definitely very different from any role I’ve played before. I fell in love with the character from my audition, before I even got to read the script. I love that she (Zenzi) offered me the opportunity to tap into different parts of myself,” said Gail. 

“This first lead role does come with a lot of pressure too, pressure I gladly welcome. But I am honored that Netflix and Gambit would trust me to play this incredibly layered character. I got to truly challenge myself with this role and even address insecurities I didn’t even know I had.”

Gail reveals that the six part production was not shot in sequence, thus requiring her to focus and constantly check in with Zenzi to enable her to stay in tune with her emotional arc. 

“Secondly, Zenzi pushed me emotionally to places I’ve never been before. But also to emotional places that I was familiar with but didn’t always have the courage to feel. I was surrounded by incredible cast and crew members that created a healthy working environment. I truly believe that contributed to my ability to bring this complex character to life,” she said.

Relating to Zenzi was not a difficult task for her, she shared. Anchored by her desire of wanting to understand the character for herself without depending on anyone else’s narration, Gail wanted to own Zenzi and help create a world in which she existed. A world of strife, pain and love.  

“As a black South African woman, I could relate to Zenzi in many ways. She doesn’t come from a privileged background and is at a place in her life where she’s struggling to make ends meet. She has experienced a lot of loss in her life and is faced daily with the reality of men in society feeling they have the right to exercise their ‘power’ over her. These are all things that many women, especially within the South African context, would be able to relate to. Stepping into her world was a big shift in some aspects. 

“Immersing myself into the character required me allow myself to be vulnerable, that’s the only way I could give an honest, authentic performance,” she added. 

And with a huge platform as this, to showcase one’s talent, Gail said she has zero expectations of what this production could do for her career, over and above what it has done already – being able to tell an authentic South African story to a potential audience of 230 million subscribers worldwide. 

According to Gail, the series also offers viewers the platform to grasp at the many impressions that exist and to resonate with the many characters that are featured.

“Even though the story is shot in South Africa, it is a universal story. Filming Unseen has encouraged me to take an even closer look at the people in my immediate circle who may feel unseen. We are so protective of our little bubbles, that we very seldom step out of them to reach out to someone else. Sometimes, all someone needs is to be seen. I also think that viewers will ask themselves the question ‘how far am I willing to go for love’,” she said.  

Acting is a craft Gail stumbled upon, with zero expectations in mind, and has since fallen in love with the craft and is determined to do what God has commissioned her to do. A revelation that came very early on in her career.

Acting is a craft Gail stumbled upon, with expectations in mind, and has since fallen in love with the craft and is determined to do what God has commissioned her to do. A revelation that came very early on in her career.

“Growing up, I knew that I’d somehow be in the entertainment industry but I hadn’t found my place yet – even when I first entered Idols. I then booked my first role and the rest became history. I didn’t have time to build up expectations around what and how it’s going to be like, it was just there. Since then, acting has become a space for me to feel and dissect emotions. That alone has contributed to my own personal development.

With so many achievements thus far – there is still more work to be done, she said. 

“I just want to continue to grow, personally and professionally. I wish to continue pursuing roles that challenge me beyond where I’ve been. I wish for my hair care business, Ethnogenics, to continue impacting lives. I wish to continue making strides as a human being, just always becoming better. I am content with where I am and I am excited with where I am going. These are fun times,” said the 38-year-old.

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